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The MALTMILL is an authentic roller mill that makes it possible for homebrewers to turn out textbook quality milled grain. It crushes the malt, leaving the husk intact while producing a minimum of flour. Not one grain can get through without being properly milled. It does exactly what a malt mill is supposed to do.
Anyone who uses whole grains quickly realizes that makeshift grinders and food processors are all but totally unsuited for milling malt. They create vast amounts of flour that make clear beer virtually impossible. They leave large amounts of grain untouched or merely broken. They pulverize or shred the husks, which severely limits the quality of the filter bed when sparging. They are only used because, until now, nothing else has been available that fits the budget of even the affluent home brewer.
The MALTMILL will process a pound of grain in less than 15 seconds and enough for a five gallon batch in under five minutes with the hand crank. When motorized, it can crush at a rate in excess of 1000 lbs per hour. At 400 RPM, it takes 3.3 seconds to crush one pound. It is designed to sit on top of a bucket or mash tun so that the milled product falls in and any dust created is contained. It can also be bolted or clamped to a work table for more stable or permanent operation.
The MALTMILL is provided with a nominal spacing of .045" between the rollers. This produces an excellent crush on all commonly used malt. An adjustable version is available for those who perceive the need for additional flexibility . The roller journals ride in oil-impregnated bronze bearings, pressed into aluminum castings. A coarse textured surface on the rollers prevents the grain from slipping and is the key to providing an efficient mill at far less cost then conventional multiple stage roller mills.
The MALTMILL relies on the grain to drive the passive roller and the above cited throughput is based on this configuration. For additional efficiency, in high volume operations, a Gear Drive Option (GDO) is available to drive the passive roller directly from the driven roller through precision-ground, steel gears. These gears have different numbers of teeth, to provide a differential rotational rate for the rollers.
The standard rollers are fabricated from cold rolled steel. The crushing surface is 10" long and 1-1/2" in diameter, the largest in the home brew industry. Unlike some competing mills using hollow tubes, the MALTMILL rollers are turned down from solid bar stock. The bearing journals and drive shaft are integral to the roller and offer the ultimate in reliability. We also offer case hardened rollers for the high volume commercial user to eliminate the need to return the rollers for re-knurling.
We don't claim the LHA is rocket science, we just did it for the person without the time or inclination to do it.
For a picture of an LHA in action at a real megabrewing company, Click Here
I don't recall if this was Coors or another brewer in Finland but you will get the idea.
We do not sell a motorized mill. In fact, we are so paranoid about being sued and driven into poverty, that we do not even discuss the subject much less give recommendations on how to do it. However, we are more than happy to pass along information provided by happy customers telling us how they motorized their mills. One of the most informative pieces I have seen on the subject can be seen on Mike Dixon's web site and he has given us his kind permission to publlish the link here....... Motorizing a mill..... Thanks Mike.
Dr George Fix, Author and brewing consultant, upon receiving a mill ordered for a small brewery:
Aug 17, 2001Jack,
The mill arrived and we have added an enlarged hopper as well as motorizing it. It is perfect for one bbl. batches, and the ~50 lb. grain bill we did this weekend took only 5 mins. The folks at the brew pub were very impressed with its durable construction. I think they were originally worried about whether a "homebrew mill" could stand up to the daily loading. I hope everything else turns out to be just as rugged!
George Fix
James Spence, Zymurgy Fall 1992...
The crush delivered by the Maltmill is very good, leaving the husks intact and producing insignificant amounts of flour.
Bill Owens, Brewmaster, Buffalo Bill's Microbrewery and author of "HOW TO BUILD A SMALL BREWERY" writes in his book:
"Jack Schmidling from Chicago designed and markets a two roller mill that turns out textbook quality milled grain in minutes. If you're a serious brewer have your grain professionally milled or better yet buy the MALTMILL."
Don Parsons, owner of the Malt Shop says:
"The MALTMILL is without a doubt, the best grain mill available to homebrewers."
Dr George Fix, Author and brewing consultant, wrote in the Internet Homebrew Digest:
I received Jack's mill in Jan, 1992. Shortly thereafter it was taken to the Dallas Brewing Co (DBC) for the test. The latter was done with a standard and well established screen sieving procedure. It in effect consists of weighing out the grain fractions that are retained on screen meshes of diminishing width. The following is what we measured:
ASBC screen grains retained, % by wt screen no. width, mm MM DBC Mill __________ _________ _______ ___________ 10 2.000 14 13 14 1.410 18 20 18 1.000 33 32 30 0.590 25 25 60 0.250 5 5 100 0.149 3 2 Not Retained 2 3 _______ ___________ 100% 100% |
For those interested in the details, the malt crushed was a Canadian 2 - row from Prairie Malting. The mill at DBC was made by Mangel, Scheuermann, Oeters, Inc of Huntingdon Valley Pa. It costs around $6500. It is a "BMW" as far as mills go for micros. The Commercial mills have been constructed so they can process 100 to 1000 lbs of grain in minutes. Jack's mill can not touch that sort of throughput. Nevertheless, the data show that the same type of crush is achieved.
I concluded my original review of Jack's mill by congratulating him for producing such a good mill. I also observed it was very much worth the price he was asking. Nothing I have seen or heard since then has altered this opinion.
George Fix
Donald S Gosselin, Yankee Brew News
Mill Review Nov 24, 1994
The Results
The Glatt took the most amount of cranks per pound of grain, a whopping 107cranks. The throw of the crank was also rather long at 7.5 inches. The torque required to crank the mill fell in the middle between the MALTMILL, the easiest to crank and the Philmill, the most difficult. Despite its rugged-looking stainless exterior, the Glatt Mill did not fare very well in the toughness department. While the mill reduced one pound of raw red wheat into a decent grist, we noticed a tell tale noise coming from the gears after the test. Upon disassembly, we found that several teeth on one of the nylon gears had warped {failed}. One other thing we noticed about the Glatt was its irksome tendency to cast grain dust about the work area.