Jack Schmidling Productions, Inc.
18016 Church Road ~ Marengo IL 60152
Phone:815 923 0031 ~ Email:arf@mc.net
NGC 6946 had been a subject of controversy in the past as to whether or not it was a member of our own "Local Group" of galaxies.
At a distance of about 15 million light years, it now appears to be one of the nearest galaxies outside the Local Group.
The image also include Super Nova SN2004ET.
This monochrome image was taken with the MX516 through the same 16" telescope.
Exposure time was 40 minutes.
For the most recent Astrophotos of
All film photos taken with the...JSP ASTROCAMERA
This image is a composit of 80 min lum and 30 mins ea, R, G, and B through the 10" telescope.
This image was a 30 min exposure with the MX7C through the 16" telescope.