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omet Hyakutake
Mar 21, 1996 - 16 million miles from Earth
This photo was taken through the 8" Newt at prime focus on Hypered TechPan. The exposure was 30 minutes and guiding was with an ST-4. The film was developed in D19 developer for 4 min.
The lightening like image was cause by static electricity while handling the film.
omet Hyakutake
Mar 22 1996 - 14 Million Miles from Earth
This photo was taken with 4 X 5 Graflex press camera, piggyback on the 8" Newt. Film was Hypered TechPan.
The exposure was 30 minutes and guiding was with an ST-4.
The bright star is Arcturus.
omet Hyakutake
Mar 23 1996 - 12 Million Miles from Earth
This photo was taken with 4 X 5 Graflex press camera, piggyback on the 8" Newt. Film was Hypered TechPan.
The exposure was 30 minutes and guiding was with an ST-4.
omet Hyakutake
Mar 26 1996 - 10 Million Miles from Earth
This photo was taken with 4 X 5 Graflex press camera, piggyback on the 8" Newt. Film was Hypered TechPan.
The exposure was 30 minutes and guiding was with an ST-4.
omet Hyakutake
Mar 29, 1996 - 14 Million Miles from Earth
This photo was taken with the press camera on the 8" Newt as above. The exposure was 30 minutes and guiding was with an ST-4. The film was developed in D19 developer for 4 min.
Venus is seen in the upper left with the Pleiades just below. This is the comet's swan song as it begins to get lost in the Western glow.