Jack Schmidling Productions, Inc.
18016 Church Road ~ Marengo IL 60152
Phone:815 923 0031 ~

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[picture of Comet]

Comet Hyakutake

Mar 21, 1996 - 16 million miles from Earth

This photo was taken through the 8" Newt at prime focus on Hypered TechPan. The exposure was 30 minutes and guiding was with an ST-4. The film was developed in D19 developer for 4 min.

The lightening like image was cause by static electricity while handling the film.

[picture of comet]

Comet Hyakutake

Mar 22 1996 - 14 Million Miles from Earth

This photo was taken with 4 X 5 Graflex press camera, piggyback on the 8" Newt. Film was Hypered TechPan.

The exposure was 30 minutes and guiding was with an ST-4.

The bright star is Arcturus.

[picture of comet]

Comet Hyakutake

Mar 23 1996 - 12 Million Miles from Earth

This photo was taken with 4 X 5 Graflex press camera, piggyback on the 8" Newt. Film was Hypered TechPan.

The exposure was 30 minutes and guiding was with an ST-4.

[picture of comet]

Comet Hyakutake

Mar 26 1996 - 10 Million Miles from Earth

This photo was taken with 4 X 5 Graflex press camera, piggyback on the 8" Newt. Film was Hypered TechPan.

The exposure was 30 minutes and guiding was with an ST-4.

[picture of comet]

Comet Hyakutake

Mar 29, 1996 - 14 Million Miles from Earth

This photo was taken with the press camera on the 8" Newt as above. The exposure was 30 minutes and guiding was with an ST-4. The film was developed in D19 developer for 4 min.

Venus is seen in the upper left with the Pleiades just below. This is the comet's swan song as it begins to get lost in the Western glow.

For more comets Astrophoto Index

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